Inspired to Action
People in a community lift each other up. Communities unite you to take inspired action and bring about change together. In 2019, a group of 6 Ohio Certified Peer Recovery Supporters met to brainstorm how the emerging peer profession could generate credibility and versatility as a career.

These leaders took the initiative on shared values for the benefit of others
This set the stage for professionals in the recovery field to build a community that fosters collaboration and rapport building to facilitate seamless connections to care.

Cultivating a Community
We have evolved into a community of practice focusing on the application of the peer support philosophy where individuals and agencies share in mutual understanding, bringing together a variety of diverse perspectives to network, learn, share, practice, and grow together.
Institutional Change Cannot Happen Without Movements
Movements have an impact because they shift boundaries of what is socially acceptable and expected. They provide a climate for new ideas.