Peer Supporter Certification Renewal
This resource is designed to guide you through the Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services certification renewal process, offering detailed instructions to ensure a smooth and successful renewal experience.
OTFLCA goal is to support your professional development and help you maintain the essential skills needed for effective peer support. Dive into our comprehensive resources and maintain your role as a certified Peer Support Specialist!
Peer Supporter Certification Renewal Process
Complete 30 hours of Continuing Education (CE)
Peer Supporter Certification is valid for a period of 2 years, during which PRS are required to earn a total of 30 continuing education (CE) credits.
Remember to save all certificates of completion for continuing education trainings
Complete Continuing Education Log
All CE trainings completed must be listed on this log.
In addition to this log, you must also submit into the eLicense application portal copies of your certificates of completion for each training.
Complete Renewal Application
To complete your renewal application in eLicense, You will need the following:
- Completed Continuing Education Log
- Certificates of completion for all 30 hours of continued education credits (CE) listed on the Continuing Education Log

Continuing Education Log
Your renewal CE credit hours must include the required hours for each of the following (9) topics:
- Ethics: 3 hours
- Boundaries: 3 hours
- Diversity and inclusion/cultural sensitivity: 2 hours
- System Navigation & care coordination: 1 hour
- Trauma-Informed Care: 2 hours
- Human Trafficking: 1 hour
- Behavioral health knowledge (may include recovery and resiliency): 1 hour
- Basic principles related to health and wellness: 1 hour
- Principles of coaching as applied to the delivery of peer services: 2 hours

eLicense Help
Five peer organizations have partnered with OhioPRO and OhioMHAS to create technical assistance call centers for peers.
Click here for free printed technical
assistance in becoming certified and renewing
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I find continuing education (CE)?
CE credits for renewal may be obtained in various settings that include attending in-person conferences, training, or online learning courses.
Check out our Continuing Education Resource Page
What qualifies as continuing education?
Continuing education credits will be accepted from a continuing education program that meets the professional needs of the intended clientele, which shall include certified peer recovery supporters, certified family peer supporters, certified youth peer supporters, counselors, social workers, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, nurses, chemical dependency counselors, or other human service professionals. The program shall have written goals and objectives which are responsive to the needs of prospective attendees.
Your CE credits do not have to be in the form of Continuing Education Units (CEUs). You may use CEUs and/or Certificates of Participation that list the time spent in the training.
CE credits must be at least 1 hour long and have written goals and objectives.
CE credits must be completed in the 2 year time frame of license period.
If I am dual licensed, can I use my continuing education credits for both?
You may use the same Continuing Education credits for multiple certifications, as long as they meet the professional standards of the certifying boards for licensing including:
- Chemical Dependency Counselors (CDCA, LCDC)
- Prevention Specialists (OCPSA, OCPS)
- Social Workers (LSW)
- Youth & Family PRS
I can't find a continuing education with a title that explicitly lists a topic area
Topics are often covered in the content of a presentation although the title doesn't directly have a topic area listed.
Some topic areas such as Ethics, Boundaries and Human Trafficking will be noted in the course title/description.
Consider the course description and how it can be applied or indicative of the topic areas.
What is my license lapses?
If your peer recovery certification lapses in Ohio, you need to reapply for certification by submitting a renewal application to the Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) within 90 days of your certification expiration date; this includes providing proof of completed continuing education hours required to maintain your certification.
Your certification will go into and inactive status. This means you cannot practice as a peer recovery supporter, including but not limited to billing for services, until you successfully renew your certification.